Retail Merchandiser

Merchandising & Audit Jobs

Retail Merchandising

There are many job possibilities for RVers and other travelers. This post will discuss Retail Merchandising related jobs.

Retail Merchandising encompasses full-time and part-time and there are several types of Merchandising. It is an easy job to learn, generally good pay, and usually many opportunities for employment, possible due to the fact that it is often temporary or part-time work.

The primary skill required is the ability to read bar codes, (duh — 9-1234-1234-9) – and a plan-o-gram, which is just a diagram of which products go where. There are terms to learn, but simple things like side-kick and end cap.

Finding Merchandising work is not difficult, while you can obviously look in local newspapers and online job posting sites, there are websites devoted to Merchandising jobs.

NARMS – National Association for Retail Marketing Services

RMS – Retail Merchandising Services

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Pinners Conference Expo Review

My Adventure to Pinners Conference 2017 – Arlington, Texas

Pinner's Conference Expo Review

As women, as entrepreneurs, as RVers, we are always on the lookout for sources of income to help keep us on the road, in a lifestyle we enjoy. So I have to share with you my recent adventure to a Pinners Conference. So you ask, what is a Pinners Conference. I wondered that myself and did not fully understand until I ventured to Arlington, Texas to attend one.

Although I had looked at the schedule of about 100 classes, and they primarily appeared to be crafting instructions, I still had it in my mind that a Pinners Conference would be about social media and Pinterest. After attending, I now understand that it is about Entrepreneurship, with crafting as a central focus for income. But it does not stop there, with around 200 vendors there were booths for crafts, yes, but also people selling their creations, direct marketing opportunities, craft supplies, people traveling with corporations to present such things as creams and hair styling products. The convention center in Arlington was packed with people, it was amazing! And the ticket prices were very, very reasonable.Continue reading